Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy.

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy

1. Introduction

At SPROUT(ED), we are unwavering in our commitment to the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity across all our business activities. We acknowledge the significant responsibility we bear in combating modern slavery and human trafficking and are resolutely dedicated to ensuring that these abhorrent practices do not occur within our operations or supply chains.

This policy outlines our approach to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking, in compliance with relevant laws, including the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

2. Scope

This policy applies to:

  • All employees, contractors, suppliers, and business partners of SPROUT(ED).
  • Every aspect of our operations, from direct employment practices to supply chain management and business partnerships.

This policy is integral to our ethical framework and underscores our commitment to fair and humane business practices.

3. Our Commitment

Zero Tolerance

We adopt a zero-tolerance policy toward modern slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour, and human trafficking. This commitment extends across all facets of our business and supply chains.

Compliance with Laws

We are fully compliant with anti-slavery laws, including the Modern Slavery Act 2015, and expect the same from all business partners, suppliers, and contractors.

Due Diligence

To ensure that our operations and supply chains are free from modern slavery, we:

  • Assess and evaluate risks within our supply chain.
  • Conduct audits and monitor supplier practices.
  • Implement safeguards and require contractual compliance from all partners and suppliers.

Training and Awareness

We provide comprehensive training to our employees to:

  • Raise awareness of modern slavery and human trafficking.
  • Equip staff with the tools and knowledge to identify and report potential risks.

4. Supplier Standards

We require all suppliers and contractors to uphold the following standards:

  • Prohibition of Forced Labour: No use or condoning of forced, bonded, or involuntary labour.
  • Legal and Voluntary Employment: Ensure that all workers are legally authorised to work and employed voluntarily.
  • Freedom of Association: Respect the rights of workers to collective bargaining and freedom of association.
  • Safe Working Conditions: Provide a safe and healthy work environment, in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
  • Fair Compensation: Wages and benefits must meet or exceed legal minimum standards.
  • Prohibition of Child Labour: Adherence to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) standards prohibiting child labour.

Failure to meet these standards will result in immediate corrective actions, up to and including termination of the business relationship.

5. Reporting Concerns

We strongly encourage all employees, suppliers, and business partners to report any suspicions or evidence of modern slavery or human trafficking.

Reporting Details

Reports can be made confidentially to:
The Town Hall, High Street East, Wallsend, Tyne & Wear, NE28 7RR
We take all reports seriously and will investigate thoroughly, ensuring confidentiality and protection for those reporting in good faith.

6. Continuous Improvement

SPROUT(ED) is committed to continuous improvement in its efforts to combat modern slavery and human trafficking. This includes:

  • Regularly reviewing and updating policies to align with evolving legal standards and best practices.
  • Enhancing training programmes to ensure effectiveness and engagement.
  • Strengthening due diligence processes and supplier audits.

We remain vigilant and proactive in identifying and addressing risks within our operations and supply chains.

7. Conclusion

Modern slavery is a grave violation of human rights and a criminal offence. At SPROUT(ED), we are resolute in our commitment to eradicating these practices. Through continuous vigilance, robust policies, and active collaboration with our partners, we aim to ensure that our business operates ethically, responsibly, and in alignment with our core values.

Date: 23rd January 2024

This policy is endorsed by the management team and reflects our commitment to combating modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms. 

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